
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why Today is Special?

My day sets early doing the morning routine. This day, it was a bit different. When my 11 year old girl started to make fuss over a requirement that needed to be submitted at school's office. She told me her residence card was rejected because it's expired. Because of that, she's hesitant to go to school. I was irritated and begin to nag, "That's not acceptable, the card was renewed two months ago."

You see, I started a bad day! Blah, blah, blah, blah.....

Back to mother and daughter problem-solving, I finally convinced her to ask exception for today's deadline. Strange, the school updating students records when the end of school year is near.

So, we're settled to submit the requirement on next day. Later, she kissed good bye and rushed to the door. I overheard her saying of leaving "something" in my bag. I was unaware of it until later.

Finally, I was relieved to reach the office. Somehow glad a bustle and hustle at home is over. As I open the bag to reach my make-up kit, I draw a piece of folded paper instead. I was surprised by greeting card coming from my daughter! 

I feel guilty. Seriously, I haven't thought of today's special occasion. Now I know why we are banned from her room yesterday!

I seldom get mad with my daughter.  She knows that I am fair enough when it comes to discipline. No matter how I nag at her, she has no ill-feelings of me. Much more, my heart was touched of few things of how she describes me:

This card is enough to make my day special, a genuine love of a daughter. A love that is being reciprocated by a child. You see, the so called "Valentines" Day is not only for couples to celebrate. But an opportunity for kids to demonstrate their love gestures towards their parents.

Thank you, "Anak" (my child).
I love you Baby...

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